Why you should make the United Kingdom a stepping stone to your dreams

I have decided to pen my thoughts down, basing on the knowledge that have gained to this point, around this topic .

All of us have dreams and in as far as where we are at now is concerned, I believe we are still in pursuit of those dreams.

At this point still, we do not know our fate in line with this dream or the time line for its fulfillment.

The world on the other hand offers no mercy, just obstacles here and there on our various pathways.

The responsibilities can be overwhelming when added to these obstacles.

In spite of all these, I hereby encourage you to not loose your dream, your focus. You are all in this group, able to read this for a reason.

You see I don’t believe in fate, I believe in God. He does not send people along your path of life for no reason, some come to stay in your life for good but some have to leave once their intended role in your life, good or bad, is done. Either way, take your lessons with grace.

The Nurse Recruitment process for the United Kingdom is the easiest among all the countries of our dreams.

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA etc offer better for nurses as compared to the UK, that I agree.

The US is also easier but the process takes a year or even three, give or take.

How many of us have tried direct applications to these countries?

Canada and Australia for one have the most stringent immigration measures put in place, am not saying they are beyond reach, No.Many have been conned trying to get to these countries.

Don’t fall prey, these countries have their own ways of recruitment, and Canada for one has even its own listed and licensed agencies that recruit manpower for her.

Australia nursing board last year changed her registration process making it so expensive and time consuming. You have to pass NCLEX-RN after that go to Australia to sit for OSCE which cost $4,000 before you can be licensed as a Nurse.

The good news is, the United Kingdom offers you an easier way to pursue these dream countries,well at least for New Zealand and Australia.

There is a way around registration as a Nurse in Australia, by first registering as a nurse in neighboring country to the UK – New Zealand and then endorse their license after that. So with that you spend less and don’t have to write any exam.

Registration and working as a nurse in UK will make New Zealand Nursing board to:
1. Exempt you from writing IELTS
2. Exempt you from doing their 6 weeks adaption course.
Once you have your New Zealand registration you then complete Australia Nursing board application and send it to Australia to have your Australia Nursing license.

For anyone who would be interested, am putting together the New Zealand application process and will share in due time.

In summary, the UK journey may seem tough, but maybe.. Just maybe it’s your only easy pathway to your dream.

Its important to note that New Zealand and Australia Only accept DEGREE nurses.

Diplomats like Granny, please come to the UK, have your degree as you work, have set time lines.I for one have joined school again to pursue my degree under the kind sponsorship of my employer. This people recognize and support hard work.


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